• info@farlfoundation.org
  • +233 244 271 652


Farl Foundation believe that all children and youth should have access to high-quality education. Education transforms and knowledge is unbreakable.

Our mission is to guarantee that every child and youth in Zongo and rural  communities has access to an excellent education. Also to generate critically and creatively thinking, modern workers who are prepared to lead their nation in the future.

UNESCO defines literacy as the “…ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.  teachersLiteracy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society.”

When someone is illiterate, they are unable to read and write or willfully follow instructions without question. 

The need for qualified and committed teachers to work in tandem with excellent learning environments, readily available instructional resources, and learning aids to enhance learning outcomes is becoming increasingly apparent, particularly in public schools.


  • To children in the community as possible go to school. Many are orphans or come from vulnerable backgrounds and would never have had the chance to attend school without our support.
  • We monitor the attendance and retention level of each student to ensure that they attain good academic performance.
  • We maintain a student teacher ratio of max 25:1 and only employ motivated and qualified teachers.
  • We continually grow the capacity of our teaching staff, engaging them in trainings that build their skills and help them to be the best versions of themselves.
  • We blend computer literacy into learning from primary school to ensure our students are technologically literate.
  • We encourage strong parental participation with school reports, parent-teacher days and community days.
  • We provide an environment that is safe, happy and conducive to learning.